Monday, March 14, 2011

Days 13 & 14 -- 3/12 & 3/13

Saturday, 3/12
So . . . completely went overboard Friday night, but you know what?  I'm not sweating it.  It was what it was, I had a good time, and I'm not going to let that phase me.

You what what is going to phase me?  Earbuds.  I HATE earbuds.  All this time, I thought my ears were normal, but apparently, they aren't.  I haven't met an earbud yet that will stay where it's supposed to for more than 3 minutes at a time.  One of my little tricks when I work out is to get lost in the music so I don't focus on how much time I left or how tired I am.  But you can't zone out when you have to adjust the earbuds every few minutes.  I know they make elongated earbuds that fit in the ear canal, but seriously, I don't want to go around sticking speakers deep in my ears.

%$^&!!!  I need some official headphones.  And don't even suggest Beats by Dre.  They're a step under Bose and for the record, for the amount of money you spend, Bose isn't that great.

I did my cardio workout today, and I stepped it up just a little bit (maybe a little too much - 1, 5, 3, 7, 5, 9, 5, 7, 3, 5, cool down).  I was breathing a little too hard and I could feel my pulse, so I have to wait a little while until I'm ready for that level.  I'll try it again in a couple of weeks to see.

The Man was at the gym with me and helped me craft a weight-training routine.  I'm excited about this!

So what did I eat today?

  • Water:  33.8 ozs
  • Multigrain oatmeal with a cup of coffee.  About 300 cals.
  • Medium banana.  About 120 cals.
  • Protein bar.  About 300 cals.
  • Turkey burger with crispy onions & cheese on a bun with about 10 fries.  About 800 cals.
About 1520 cals less the 348 cals I burned off = 1172 net cals.

Sunday, 3/13
The Man's shoulder has been bothering him, so we didn't go swimming today.  I could have gone by myself, but it's no fun without him there, so I went over to the gym and did a short (22 mins)  cardio workout (1, 3, 5, 7, 5, 3, 5, cool down), and then some grocery shopping with Ameme.  A pretty low-key day, that was alright with me.

So what did I eat today?
  • Water: 20 ozs
  • 2 scrambled eggs on a small pita.  About 280 cals.
  • 2  cups of coffee.  About 200 cals.
  • Picked at some chicken wings.  About 300 cals.
  • 8 oz of pan-seared steak with basmati/wild rice mix & broccoli. About 1000 cals.
About 1780 cals less the 247 I burned off = 1533 net cals.

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