Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 22 -- 3/21

Doing my disco dance again this week.  Stepped on the scale and another 2 pounds down!

I still have a little ways to go before I think about breaking out a bikini, but I'm feeling good about my progress so far.  I tried on a pair of pants in my closet 1 size down and  . . .

 . . . they fit.  They actually fit: no wiggling to pull them up and no laying down on the bed to get them zipped.  I just pulled them up, button, zip & viola! it was done.

To be completely honest, I think I was straddling 2 sizes when I started (more toward the higher side, though, because those pants were tight & hard to close), so I'm debating if I'm going to take this as a "size down" win.  You know what?  Whatever -- the freakin' pants fit and that's all I really care about.

I asked a friend to be the "Keeper of the Weights" and she accepted.  She's a no-nonsense gal who won't bat for me if she thinks I'm bullsh*tting. Thank you, Lana!

I worked out this morning, same stack on cardio and worked on the weights for my lower body.  I tweaked the lower body workout in the same way that The Man helped me with the upper body workout and I did feel a difference.

So what did I eat today?

  • Water  24 oz.
  • Multigrain oatmeal with a cup of coffee.  About 300 cals.
  • Roasted vegetables & couscous.  About 290 cals.
  • Banana coconut protein shake.  About 240 cals.
  • Piece of milk chocolate.  About 60 cals.
  • Open-faced chopped chicken with baby bella mushrooms, baby spinach & cheddar cheese on a pan-grilled sliced of Tuscan pane. About 550 cals.
Total of 1440 cals. less 327 cals. I burned off (not including weight workout) = 1113

Total pounds down since going hard:  6

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